ChatGPT Supports a Digital Artist to Create $50M Worth of Memecoin

ChatGPT Memecoin

KANALCOIN NEWS – The presence of ChatGPT is not only limited to answering various complicated questions, translating languages or making original writing. More than that. ChatGPT is actually also capable of creating memecoin without having to use complicated coding.

This was conveyed directly by Rhet Dashwood in one of the videos on the YouTube channel. He said that he had created a coin with a $69 budget created by AI.

“I’ve been in crypto art for a number of years. And this year has been a complete dead end in selling digital art,” said Rhet Dashwood in a motivational video.

“I fight for anyone to pay attention to my work. It makes me think, meanwhile nobody is buying. The market is dead. This is the best time to experiment and have fun,” he added.

Rhet Dashwood says there are some ChatGPT instructions he has to do. First, is to develop a concept for a potential coin. Which involves creating the coin name, logo and background on which it is made.

From here he also asked ChatGPT to find the best name for his coin. And ChatGPT will explore the best names within its budget. From the results of this AI search, several names emerged. Like HypeHound, AstroCorgi, FomoFeline, and TurboToad.

To find a name that really fits, Rhet Dashwood voted on his 14 thousand followers on Twitter to choose the right name. Until finally the name TurboToad was chosen.

To find a name that really fits, Rhet Dashwood voted on his 14 thousand followers on Twitter to choose the right name. Until finally the name TurboToad was chosen.

Likewise when designing a logo. He uses ChatGPT to suggest the best logos. And again voting on his 14 thousand followers on Twitter to choose the appropriate logo. Until finally a logo was chosen with a yellow-orange frog in a spacesuit.

The second is to create a tonomic structure. “The AI bot gave an idea based on 2021. So I gave it recent tokenomics examples like pepe, wojak, and tsuka.” Rhet Dashwood explained.

After the tokenomic structure is completed, then proceed with the third and fourth steps. That is make a whitepaper in one page and develop the code.

And finally, Rhet Dashwood used ChatGPT to create a website to market the coin. To date, his Twitter account TurboToad has 9,147 followers with a capitalization of up to $50 million. This is where the idea was born to make the next meme coin.

In the closing statement on his video, Rhet Dashwood said that with a few ideas, an entrepreneurial spirit and community involvement, anything is possible even though it may come from an idea beyond reason.


Redaksi Media
Author: Redaksi Media

Cryptocurrency Media

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